Closer to George Enescu: Your dreams have helped us transform the façade of the Athenaeum for the first time! Thank you!

When you see your dream come true, you want to thank everyone who helped you get where you wanted. This article is for you, all the friends of the George Enescu Festival and Competition, to thank you for all that we have achieved this year, with your help.

We started the journey of preparing the 2016 edition of the Enescu Competition from a simple idea: a strong connection, something that is common to both talented young artists at the beginning of their career and the public at large, whom we wanted to join us at the classical music concerts and recitals. This common connection is our capacity and our need to dream, to have a lifelong dream.

We are the sum of our dreams, whether we make them come true or not, and it is important to be present in this, just like musicians are present in their own lifelong dream, through their music.

“I dream ceaselessly. I want to play music for as long as I am alive.” These are the words spoken by the composer George Enescu, which we have used as inspiration and challenge for the public at large and for the artists participating in the 2016 edition of the Enescu Competition

Inspired by Enescu, we encouraged you to “Give life to your dream!”

A first response came from 196 young artists from 38 countries, who entered the Enescu Competition 2016 to follow their dream of becoming great musicians of the world.

Then we asked artists and the public about their lifelong dreams. You answers showed us that it was a question that made many of you connect to what motivates you or rediscover what it is that gives you meaning, or simply contemplate your own lives.

Many of you even went further and shared your dreams with us. And we joined them to the dreams of the artists we invited you to see on the stage of the Athenaeum, during the Enescu Competition. This combination inspired other artists, working in video design, and we transformed together the façade of the Romanian Athenaeum with a video-mapping show, a premiere for this historic building.
We thus closed the Enescu Competition 2016 with a celebration of the dreams that has taken us even closer to the values of the composer George Enescu


Thank you, Zlatomir Fung, Josu de Solaun, Ștefan Tarara!

They were joined by over 8,000 people who used the “Give life to your dream!” app launched by Enescu Competition 2016 to learn if they dream like a composer, a violinist, a cellist or a pianist or simply to share their lifelong dream!

On September 25, at the gala of the Piano Final closing the Enescu Competition 2016, a selection of the most touching dreams transformed the façade of the Athenaeum for the first time!

All of us came closer to classical music and to George Enescu’s values, by sharing, opening our hearts and playing, in a moment of grace about the power of dreams to take us and our society further.


Thank you!

Translation provided by Biroul de Traduceri Champollion.