

Ioana Mărcoiu was born on 1 March 1986 in Sibiu. She completed the theoretical high school with acting specialization in her hometown, then continued her studies to fulfill her dream of becoming an actress by attending the University of Theatre and Film Arts in Bucharest, which she completed in 2011.

The following years meant multiple collaborations with theatres in Bucharest and in the country, organization and participation in various workshops for both adults and children, as well as participation in theatre festivals and film, TV shows.

  • Kristensen in “Hernie de Disc” [Ruptured Disc], directed by Dorin Boca at the Comedy Theatre; 
  • Kay Clark in “The Virgins Our Helpful Maidens”, directed by Răzvan Mazilu at the Excelsior Theatre;
  • Jessica in “Plastic”, directed by Cristian Tudor Popescu at Arcub;
  • Clare in “A play for brother and sister”, directed by Iris Spiridon at the Ion Luca Caragiale National Theatre;
  • Meisner Technical Coordinator Trine Garret;
  • Tools of animation International Network of Culture and Arts, Birmingham, UK;

Since 2018 she has been employed at the Odeon Theatre in Bucharest where, among numerous productions (Gazelle, Swan, Goat I, Dog II, Snake, Swallow, Mouse II, Fish I in Pandorium after Fabule [Fables] by de la Fontaine, directed by Zoltan Balazs; Honey in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? by Edward Albee, directed by Alexandru Mâzgăreanu), she had the opportunity to enter a new world for her, the world of musicals. Here she discovered a fascinating and challenging universe, which contributed significantly to the artistic development of Joan of Arc. Mărcoiu (Sally Bowles in Cabaret libretto by Joe Masteroff, based on the play by John Van Druten and the stories by Christopher Ishewood, directed by Răzvan Mazilu).

In parallel, in recent years she has performed various voices for characters in animations and produced audio-books.